

Exotrade is the representative of the products of the company Ahvil for the entire territory of former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia). Ahvil is an Italian company that is present on the global market with wrapping film for covering various surfaces, mostly for application in the automotive and maritime industry. Their range is divided into three basic product lines: liquid films, glass films and paints produced with nanotechnology. The company’s key feature is eco-innovativeness.

Exotrade is the representative for the following Ahvila products:


Liwrea – water-based liquid wrapping film. This acrylic urethane emulsion creates an elastic protective film that is both firm and easy to remove. Liwrea is perfect for the waterproof protection of glass materials, plastics, metal and ceramics, and leaves all surfaces perfectly smooth after application. It is free of harmful substances and bears an “eco-friendly” label. It is suitable for a wide variety of applications, though on the territory of our dealership it is mostly used in the automotive industry.


Wrappix – liquid wrapping film based on synthetic thinner. Wrappix is a removable solvent-based paint. It is very easy to apply, which makes it perfect for DIY projects. It can be applied to all surfaces in the automotive sector, and it is also used for a wide variety of applications in the construction sector (glass, furniture, flooring) and in the sports sector (snowboarding, skiing, surfing, helmets), though its other applications are virtually unlimited.

Cronel Firenze

Cronel Firence – protects and paints leather. This paint is mostly used in the automotive industry and in the maritime industry, but it can also be used for a broader range of applications. Cronel Florence includes a product range for cleaning, repairing and restoring leather items (ship interiors, car seats, furniture…). The paints are water-based and contain natural ingredients. Even though they are exceptionally durable, they do not have a harmful effect on the environment.

Window films (UCLA & ASTILA)

The primary function of window and glass foil/film is to reflect heat and the glare of the sun, but it also serves a variety of other purposes. In addition to reducing heating and air-conditioning costs, window films also reduce the risk of vandalism as they ensure that the glass remains in one piece when broken, while also contributing to increasing the privacy level of public and private spaces. In the automotive industry, their most useful feature is preventing the penetration of sunlight through windows and into the car interior, in addition to enhancing aesthetic appeal.

Extreme-PlusTM – NTP Group S.r.l.

Extreme-PlusTM are hi-tech Italian-made products based on nanotechnology. They can be applied to any type of surface that you wish to protect. Upon application, they create a protective layer that is completely resistant to both atmospheric degradation and heat. Exotrade d.o.o. is the exclusive representative of NTP products for Croatia and the region.


Exotrade is the exclusive representative of the products of the agricultural cooperative ˝Maslina i vino˝ (Masvin) (transl. Olive and Wine) on the Chinese market.

The agricultural cooperative ˝Maslina i vino˝ (Masvin) was established in Polača in 2006 with the objective of developing the rural area of Ravni Kotari. Today, Masvin is a leader in olive cultivation (various preparations of table olives and extra-virgin oil) and viticulture (premium quality wines), as well as in the production of fig-based products.

Commercialisation of products on the Chinese market is also one of the services that Exotrade provides to other clients, as well.


Tekuća omotna folija na bazi vode. Ova akril-uretanska emulzija stvara elastičan, zaštitni film koji je istovremeno čvrst a jednostavan za uklanjanje. Liwrea je idealna za vodonepropusnu zaštitu staklenih materijala, plastike, metala i keramike. Ne sadrži štetne tvari, nosi „eco friendly“ oznaku a površina je nakon nanošenja savršeno izglađena. Namijenjena je širokoj potrošnji no na području našeg zastupništva ponajviše se koristi u automobilskoj industriji.


Tekuća omotna folija na bazi sintetičkog razrjeđivača. Wrappix je uklonjiva boja na bazi otapala. Vrlo ju je jednostavno primijeniti pa je savršeno za DIY projekte. Može se nanositi na sve površine u auto-moto sektoru, veliku primjenu ima i u građevinskom sektoru (staklo, namještaj, podne površine) i u sportskom sektoru (snowboarding, skijanje, surfanje, kacige) premda su njene ostale primjene neograničene.

Cronel Firenze

Zaštita i bojanje kože. Ove se boje ponajviše koriste u automobilskoj industriji i brodarstvu, no primjenjive su i šire. Cronel Florence uključuje paletu proizvoda za čišćenje, popravak i reparaciju kožnih predmeta (unutrašnjost brodova, automobilska sjedala, namještaj…). Na bazi su vode te sadrže prirodne tvari i nemaju sadržaj štetan za okoliš a istovremeno se diče dugom trajnošću.

Window films (UCLA & ASTILA)

Filmovi / folije za stakla i prozore služe odbijanju topline i odsjaja sunca. No njihova je funkcionalnost višestruka. Osim smanjenja troškova klimatizacije i grijanja prostora, folije smanjuju i rizik od vandalizma budući da staklo prilikom razbijanja ostaje na okupu, te pridonose privatnosti prostora, javnih i privatnih. U automobilskoj industriji korisnost proizlazi iz činjenice da folija štiti od proboja sunčevih zraka kroz automobilsko staklo u unutrašnjost vozila, uz dakako očit estetski efekt.

Extreme-PlusTM – NTP Group S.r.l.

Extreme-PlusTM su visoko tehnološki proizvodi talijanskog proizvođača koncipirani u nanotehnologiji. Mogu se aplicirati na sve vrste površina koje želite zaštititi. Stvaraju zaštitni sloj, u potpunosti otporan, kako na atmosfersku degradaciju tako i na toplinu. Exotrade d.o.o. je ekskluzivni zastupnik NTP proizvoda za Hrvatsku i regiju.


Exotrade d.o.o. je ekskluzivni zastupnik proizvoda Poljoprivredne zadruge “Maslina i vino” (Masvin) za kinesko tržište.

Poljoprivredna zadruga “Maslina i vino” (Masvin) osnovana je u Polači 2006. godine s ciljem razvoja ruralnog prostora Ravnih kotara Danas Masvin prednjači u maslinarstvu (stolne masline u različitim pripremama i ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje) te vinogradarstvu (vina vrhunske kvalitete) kao i u proizvodnji prerađevina od smokava.

Komercijalizacija proizvoda na kineskom tržištu također je jedna od Exotradeovih usluga, i za druge korisnike.

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